Devil may cry 5 pc playstation controller
Devil may cry 5 pc playstation controller

devil may cry 5 pc playstation controller

I don't want to buy individual Google Stadia games that I can only play through streaming, but at the same time, I don't want a game I've been playing for years to potentially disappear from a subscription channel like those offered by Luna. The business models are still experimental and mostly not very attractive right now. I wouldn't say that the Netflixification of gaming is inevitable, though. After trying Luna, I'm a little more convinced by the idea that streaming could replace most consoles and gaming PCs within a decade or two, as unappetizing as that sounds. I'm using fiber internet from the heart of Silicon Valley, so I'm the best-case customer, but there's no physical law preventing streaming technology and internet infrastructure from getting better over time. Input latency really didn't feel like a problem.

devil may cry 5 pc playstation controller

Granted, I am not doing my computing on a potato, and overall, Luna works worryingly well.

devil may cry 5 pc playstation controller

Above: Devil May Cry 5 gameplay captured through Luna.

Devil may cry 5 pc playstation controller